The Latest Haircare tips for Men

Men mostly have to wander around outside in intense weather which can cause accumulation of dirt into their hair and scalp. This grime leads to dandruff and makes their hair unhealthy and fragile. Like women, men should also take good care of their hair to keep them healthy and good looking. The major problem which is caused by unhealthy hair is that hair loss begins at a very early age. But due to their tiring schedule it is impossible for men to go to hair salons in Lahore and have hair treatments.
Hair care tips

Men mostly have to wander around outside in intense weather which can cause accumulation of dirt into their hair and scalp. This grime leads to dandruff and makes their hair unhealthy and fragile. Like women, men should also take good care of their hair to keep them healthy and good looking. The major problem which is caused by unhealthy hair is that hair loss begins at a very early age. But due to their tiring schedule it is impossible for men to go to hair salons in Lahore and have hair treatments.

Hair Care Tips from Best Hair Salons in Lahore

Having healthy hair is not only important for their well being but also for their personality. So, for men we have some best hair care tips that have been collected from the experts of the best hair salons in Lahore. Proper hair care tips should be adopted by men to keep their hair healthy as forever and to avoid unnecessary hair fall.

  1. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera is the perfect remedy to strengthen hair, remove infections and avoid hair loss for men. Its gel should be massaged twice or thrice weekly to overcome hair problems.

  1. Jojoba Oil

Oiling technique can never go out dated to keep your hair healthy. Massaging hair with oils reloads the hair with lost nutrients. Besides, it converses the effect of serious damage to your hair. Jojoba oil encourages hair growth and makes the tips stronger. It is considered one of the best oils for frizzy hair and dry locks. Many hair salons in Lahore use this oiling technique while they are treating your hair.

  1. Amla

Amla is a natural ingredient which is not only beneficial for women’s hair but also proves to be a source of natural lustre for men as well. It keeps your hair healthy and makes them strong.

  1. Neem leaves

The relaxing neem paste will help re-establish alkaline balance of the scalp and removing dandruff as well as preventing hair fall. To make it better and even more effective, one can add honey and olive oil to the paste.

  1. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is very helpful to make your hair softer and give them a perfect natural shine. It boosts hair growth and nourishes your scalp and hair.

  1. Keep hair trimmed

The best way to get over split ends is to trim your hair regularly so that the damaged section can be cut off from the other healthy hair. You should get it trimmed every six weeks.

  1. Pat Dry

Drying technique is also very important to keep your hair healthy. Mostly men rub their hair right after taking a shower though it the time when hair is most susceptible to damage and instantly breaks away. To properly towel dry, shake out the excess water and stroke your hair in the direction it grows instead of rubbing your hair harshly with a towel and making them brittle.

  1. Avoid chemical usage

Colouring, perming or using waxes on hair can cause a serious damage to them. The naturalness of hair fades away and all you are left with is unhealthy and easily breakable hair. That is why you should avoid using such chemicals repeatedly on your hair.

  1. Shampoo and conditioning

Appropriate shampoo and a good conditioner should be used regularly to keep your hair moisturised and refreshing.

  1. Healthy lifestyle

Moreover, experts of hair salons in Lahore also recommend having a healthy lifestyle comprising nutritious diet and regular exercise. This will result in a healthier scalp and great looking hair. Furthermore, the nutrients will help to increase hair growth as well.

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